29 Jun 2016

UEFA labdarúgó-Európa-bajnokság, 2016 / UEFA Euro 2016

Komoly érdeklődés övezte magyar oldalról a mögöttünk álló hónap alatt a foci Eb-t, és nem maradtunk mi sem adósok, még egy "filmplakát" is belefért a csoportgyőzelem tiszteletére :).

Hungary is the country of 10 million football/soccer coaches, even though we haven't been participated a World Cup since 1986 and an Euro Cup since 1966. So after we had a chance to participate because of the 8 extra team spaces, Hungary got crazy, and with the win against Austria, draw against Iceland and Portugal and winning the group stage the hype got even higher. There was no chance, we had to come up with something :)

1 Jun 2016

Pull and Bear logo

It is a bad Hungarian joke by translating the Pull and Bear into Hungarian, intentionally wrong, and then it is written by Rovás script, so maybe no one knows what he sees - an that's the fun it.